Since the advent of the first vaccine in 1796, Vaccines have saved millions of lives. They continue to do so today.
Flu Vaccine
Flu season runs annually from October-March, although sometimes it extends through May. It is advised for everyone to receive a flu vaccine prior to the start of flu season, to offer the best protection from the virus. This is typically August-September of the current year. Contraindications for receiving the flu vaccine include egg allergy.
Persons under 9 years of age, if they have NEVER received a flu vaccine, need 2 vaccines during the current flu season --> each separated by 4 weeks in order to have adequate protection from the virus.
Persons under 9 years old who have only received 1 lifetime flu vaccine, prior to the start of the current flu season, only need 1 vaccine during the current season.
Persons 9 years and over--> 1 vaccine
Not a vaccine but is a medication "like a vaccine" used to prevent infection with RSV (Respiratoy Syncytial Virus) in premature infants and/or pediatric patients with complicated medical issues. Season runs concurrent with the flu season.